Llance: Weird bridge at Bath Maine
Llance: The view from Owl's Head Lighthouse Maine
Llance: 5 Islands Flag
Llance: Lobsterpot markers in Maine
Llance: Red Door in Maine
Llance: Lighthouse in Maine
Llance: Emerald City
Llance: Tractor Parade
Llance: Little Princess
Llance: Now where did I drop that baton?....
Llance: I came here to chew gum and kick ass, and I'm all outta... wait a minute...
Llance: Big Grin
Llance: Havin' a ball
Llance: The Royal Couple
Llance: Thunderbird Hotel
Llance: Obey
Llance: Trees in Maine
Llance: 5 Isles
Llance: 8FCB3101
Llance: Gaitlinburg
Llance: Surgeon Fish
Llance: Daddy, what's a redneck?
Llance: Pink Motel
Llance: The Smokeless Smokies
Llance: U-Roast.
Llance: ATV Race on the Beach
Llance: Flyby from the nearby air base
Llance: Navel Orange
Llance: My VA Beach Deco Poster
Llance: Pink Motel