LKungJr: Eyes (Explored!) :)
LKungJr: Children of the light (Explored!) - press "L"
LKungJr: M&M - The wedding
LKungJr: Children of the light 2 - press "L"
LKungJr: Elmo phones home (I couldn't resist)...Times Sq., NYC
LKungJr: Waiting
LKungJr: Barriers
LKungJr: How subway cars stop...
LKungJr: Chillin' in the "Square"
LKungJr: Listening...
LKungJr: Dude in the City with serious camera gear (Explored!)
LKungJr: Worth a second look....?
LKungJr: Through the Center of the Eye
LKungJr: Waiting, best viewed on black, press "L"
LKungJr: Times Square, NYC
LKungJr: Just dance....
LKungJr: P1020525_3
LKungJr: Bruce walks off the set after I take too long to frame the shot....
LKungJr: NY Cityscapes... West 48 St.
LKungJr: Headed uptown
LKungJr: Waiting....
LKungJr: Contrasts
LKungJr: Do not enter
LKungJr: Downtown, Helsinki
LKungJr: 2 + 3
LKungJr: Balconies
LKungJr: Chillin'
LKungJr: Lawn mowers in to the battle...Spring is here
LKungJr: Solo