Erin Smith 78: My suite at the Pacific Palisades
Erin Smith 78: That is my kitchen and dining room
Erin Smith 78: My bedroom
Erin Smith 78: Living the suite life in Vancouver
Erin Smith 78: Balcony view 1
Erin Smith 78: Did I mention I had a balcony?
Erin Smith 78: My mini-bar, ha!
Erin Smith 78: Granville Island
Erin Smith 78: Aquabus
Erin Smith 78: False Creek, Vancouver
Erin Smith 78: Welcome to Granville Island
Erin Smith 78: Granville Island Public Market
Erin Smith 78: View from G.I.
Erin Smith 78: Blue skies are coming to Vancouver
Erin Smith 78: Inside the market
Erin Smith 78: Garbage can decorating contest
Erin Smith 78: Map of Vancouver, BC
Erin Smith 78: Aquabusses are so damn cute.
Erin Smith 78: CIMG2681.JPG
Erin Smith 78: Driving the Aquabus
Erin Smith 78: All aboard
Erin Smith 78: Yay! It's sunny in Vancouver
Erin Smith 78: I love Vancouver
Erin Smith 78: Me on the Aquabus
Erin Smith 78: Ferries are colorful here
Erin Smith 78: Park in Vancouver
Erin Smith 78: Vancouver Art Museum
Erin Smith 78: Countdown to Winter Olympics 2010 in BC
Erin Smith 78: Anti-War in BC
Erin Smith 78: My first glimpse of North Vancouver