Erin Smith 78: Good morning Guatemala
Erin Smith 78: Approaching Santo Tomas de Castilla
Erin Smith 78: Doesn't this look like Jurassic Park
Erin Smith 78: so happy to be in Santo Tomas
Erin Smith 78: don't let us float away
Erin Smith 78: I can't get enough of this scenary
Erin Smith 78: Welcome to Guatemala
Erin Smith 78: welcome to the jungle
Erin Smith 78: Top of the ship, top of the morning
Erin Smith 78: Bienvenidos
Erin Smith 78: Guatemalan Foilage
Erin Smith 78: blooming
Erin Smith 78: Bat's Cave?
Erin Smith 78: Happy in the jungle
Erin Smith 78: Waterfalls
Erin Smith 78: slippery rocks
Erin Smith 78: Waterfall
Erin Smith 78: crossing the bridge
Erin Smith 78: jungle bridges
Erin Smith 78: jungle streams
Erin Smith 78: CIMG6704.JPG
Erin Smith 78: In the Jungle
Erin Smith 78: more jungle scenes
Erin Smith 78: snacks in the jungle
Erin Smith 78: houses in the rainforest
Erin Smith 78: Guatemala Houses
Erin Smith 78: Home Depot, Guatemala Style
Erin Smith 78: horses in the street 2