Erin Smith 78: Husband and wife together at last
Erin Smith 78: Massachusetts State Trooper escorting the Troops to Boston
Erin Smith 78: Precious Cargo
Erin Smith 78: Welcome Home
Erin Smith 78: A blur of soldiers
Erin Smith 78: Welcome Home Major Dad!
Erin Smith 78: Reunion Brochure
Erin Smith 78: 88rd Medical Company
Erin Smith 78: The soldiers
Erin Smith 78: Listening to the speeches was a tease
Erin Smith 78: Proud Families
Erin Smith 78: Jay and his cousin Mary-Anne
Erin Smith 78: Jay and Scott
Erin Smith 78: Jay and his sister Lauren
Erin Smith 78: Uncle Jay, his sister Alisa, and his nephew Jack
Erin Smith 78: Jay and Jack
Erin Smith 78: Jay and his nephew Charlie
Erin Smith 78: Jay meeting his soon-to-be brother-in-law Mike for the first time
Erin Smith 78: Brother and Sister
Erin Smith 78: Buth, his neice, and Jessi
Erin Smith 78: Family all together again
Erin Smith 78: This baby was born while her father was in Iraq
Erin Smith 78: Laura and Aaron
Erin Smith 78: Steve and his proud Godmother
Erin Smith 78: Hugs for all
Erin Smith 78: Thank you
Erin Smith 78: I am so happy he is home safe!
Erin Smith 78: Daddy's Home
Erin Smith 78: KB, Whitey, Andrade, Harris