Erin Smith 78: Interstate: The American Road Trip
Erin Smith 78: Pioneering starts here, I guess
Erin Smith 78: Inside a Port-A-Potty
Erin Smith 78: Signs, signs, everywhere there's signs
Erin Smith 78: boat of flowers
Erin Smith 78: flower barge
Erin Smith 78: go ride a bike
Erin Smith 78: my fave musical sculpture of all time
Erin Smith 78: rainy reflection
Erin Smith 78: mail call
Erin Smith 78: double cranes
Erin Smith 78: rainy day woman #12 & 35
Erin Smith 78: rainy day woman
Erin Smith 78: inside the glass house
Erin Smith 78: lone phone
Erin Smith 78: you've got mail
Erin Smith 78: Hike New York; boots included
Erin Smith 78: a giant's toys
Erin Smith 78: bottle flower
Erin Smith 78: tunnel of city
Erin Smith 78: red roped fence
Erin Smith 78: jacks on a barge
Erin Smith 78: Hairy Tree
Erin Smith 78: Running Away
Erin Smith 78: He scared me
Erin Smith 78: Big Foot?