Erin Smith 78: Astoria parking
Erin Smith 78: Astoria parking
Erin Smith 78: Astoria parking
Erin Smith 78: Astoria mural
Erin Smith 78: My favorite part of the mural
Erin Smith 78: Toys for whiny kids
Erin Smith 78: Tchatzkah Table
Erin Smith 78: kids get bored easily
Erin Smith 78: Grilled Corn, yum!
Erin Smith 78: Steinway Street, USA
Erin Smith 78: plates of fruits
Erin Smith 78: Portable popcorn
Erin Smith 78: Brazilian?!?!
Erin Smith 78: Table full of Buddha
Erin Smith 78: Fantabulous
Erin Smith 78: 3 for 5 Cocaine
Erin Smith 78: pinwheel pinwheel spinning around
Erin Smith 78: Pocketbook alley
Erin Smith 78: Head, move your head.
Erin Smith 78: Captain Morgan
Erin Smith 78: Help Me
Erin Smith 78: I don't even know what to name this
Erin Smith 78: Dead Chef
Erin Smith 78: Severed Leg
Erin Smith 78: Towers of Light from Astoria, Queens
Erin Smith 78: Never forget