lizzelizzel: Bathrooms - the theme
lizzelizzel: Tattooed Moms'
lizzelizzel: i got a makeover
lizzelizzel: hah, the wave, in the bathroom with stalls that don't lock
lizzelizzel: lol another public restroom
lizzelizzel: make up test
lizzelizzel: expensive hotel room bathroom
lizzelizzel: at my parents' house
lizzelizzel: looking a bit slow brained
lizzelizzel: Mexican restaurant bathroom of the now
lizzelizzel: First Monday without a job
lizzelizzel: Look Alive Night at Granby Theater
lizzelizzel: LAZER EYEZ
lizzelizzel: aftermath
lizzelizzel: aftermath
lizzelizzel: scrub it off
lizzelizzel: i'm back behbeh
lizzelizzel: IMG_0939
lizzelizzel: IMG_0938
lizzelizzel: IMG_0937
lizzelizzel: IMG_0908
lizzelizzel: Self Portrait Thursday ?
lizzelizzel: Eye Makeup Test