kevin mcneal: Cape D'Or Lighthouse, Nova Scotia, Canada
Dog Face Fred: 7 months and 3 balls
littlenorm: rossbeighbeach
Kasrielle: Spirit Lake
-salzherz-: 1442 The Guards
Eirik V: Fox
Francis_G: Jaguar
jkar866: Stick 'em Up
Dances With Light: Lone Tree HDR
Matt BW: Wave crash at Rest Bay
Phil Armishaw: Chipmunk with a mouthful of seeds
TLC Fotografie: The Lone Tree
Bob Jagendorf: Happy Sheep
mommytochrista&Ben: Spisey Forest Weirdness
RLJ Photography NYC: The American Eagle
T o w n i e: Cheeeeeeeese!
*Michelle*(meechelle): Gilligan the sink pirate
Mine Beyaz: My blue.....
Fotomaker123: IMG_2939
bigkyle28: Rocky Practices His Bodybuilding Pose
T o w n i e: Springer Sound Asleep
naturelover2007: Blue Jay
HanslH: Atmosphere
Henri Bonell: moon river
TLC Fotografie: Chrysler Building
Leslie Vernon: You coming?