lizpurdy05: Getting Organized at the Trailhead
lizpurdy05: Starting Out, Stuart Lake Trailhead
lizpurdy05: We're Friends, Stuart Lake Trailhead
lizpurdy05: Crossing a Bridge Along the Trail
lizpurdy05: A Little Blister Situation
lizpurdy05: Scott, Mt. Stuart
lizpurdy05: Me, Mt. Stuart
lizpurdy05: Hiking Along...
lizpurdy05: Scott's Flower and Bee
lizpurdy05: Scott's Bee and Flower
lizpurdy05: Scott's Bee and Flower
lizpurdy05: Hiking Along to Stuart Lake
lizpurdy05: Scott at Stuart Lake for Lunch
lizpurdy05: Me and Scott at Stuart Lake for Lunch
lizpurdy05: Scott, Pumping Water at Stuart Lake
lizpurdy05: Excited about the Mountains We're Going to Hike Into!
lizpurdy05: Feeling Reflective Around the Majestic Mountains
lizpurdy05: Scott Hiked Across the Bridge
lizpurdy05: Fellow Hiker, me, Scott
lizpurdy05: Scott, Pondering
lizpurdy05: Looking Down the Valley toward Stuart Lake
lizpurdy05: Elephant Tree!
lizpurdy05: Lake Colchuck
lizpurdy05: Lake Colchuck
lizpurdy05: Scott at Lake Colchuck Campsite
lizpurdy05: Scott at Lake Colchuck Campsite
lizpurdy05: Looking Across Lake Colchuck, Evening
lizpurdy05: Looking Across Lake Colchuck, Evening
lizpurdy05: IMG_0049
lizpurdy05: IMG_0050