lizney78: Flower, don't know the name?
lizney78: Macro of flower
lizney78: Close up, don't know the name
lizney78: flower shed near my mom's house
lizney78: Gerba Daisies
lizney78: Sign for Harvest Grocery store
lizney78: just thought it looked kinda neat
lizney78: just thought it looked kinda neat
lizney78: Me using John's computer
lizney78: Me using John's computer
lizney78: Me using John's computer
lizney78: My mom, Betty at Mecca
lizney78: John at Mecca
lizney78: Susan and Betty at Mecca
lizney78: Susan and Betty at Mecca
lizney78: Betty, Kyle and DJ at Mecca
lizney78: Kyle and DJ
lizney78: Sam from the corner store :)
lizney78: Sam's Store front, corne by my mom's house