Wendy:: multiplicity of architectural styles ~HWW
Wendy:: Ludgate hill
Wendy:: St Paul's
Wendy:: colourful London
Wendy:: St Paul's
Wendy:: campanile and spire
Wendy:: down river
Wendy:: from the South Bank
Wendy:: Millenium bridge
Wendy:: We were here!
Wendy:: Picasso exhibition memo
Wendy:: Picasso head
Wendy:: head by Picasso
Wendy:: spring on the South Bank
Wendy:: silver birches HTMT
Wendy:: No1 Blackfriars~HWW
Wendy:: Blackfriars bridge ~ HFF
Wendy:: Blackfriars bridge
Wendy:: Blackfriars station; reflections
Wendy:: V&A fountains
Wendy:: evening reflections V&A
Wendy:: V&A
Wendy:: Tiered Box 2004 Murose Kuzami
Wendy:: ornate metalwork ~HSfS from the V&A
Wendy:: 1522-30 staircase from Brittany ~ HSfS
Wendy:: V&A
Wendy:: Majolica and porcelain gallery