Liz Henry: domes
Liz Henry: domes
Liz Henry: dome roof
Liz Henry: geodesic dome
Liz Henry: serpentinite in the creek
Liz Henry: serpentinite
Liz Henry: creek in the morning
Liz Henry: little drifter
Liz Henry: fish trap
Liz Henry: building a trap
Liz Henry: crossing the creek
Liz Henry: fishing
Liz Henry: bush island
Liz Henry: julia with the fish trap
Liz Henry: danny and julia
Liz Henry: fishing
Liz Henry: danny and julia
Liz Henry: bush island
Liz Henry: gaucho of the wild garcia river
Liz Henry: DSCF0118
Liz Henry: rachel reading
Liz Henry: rock island
Liz Henry: bait for fishing
Liz Henry: bolas made with river rock
Liz Henry: DSCF0127
Liz Henry: DSCF0128
Liz Henry: kids paddling
Liz Henry: DSCF0131
Liz Henry: DSCF0136
Liz Henry: claire and julia