Liz Henry: Ada and Milo
Liz Henry: me
Liz Henry: Danny
Liz Henry: Ada
Liz Henry: Ada
Liz Henry: Ada in the bow
Liz Henry: Danny
Liz Henry: James on scouting trip
Liz Henry: Platform in motion
Liz Henry: Platform in motion
Liz Henry: Houseboats
Liz Henry: Cosmic snake flag
Liz Henry: tugboat service!
Liz Henry: Apocaisle construction
Liz Henry: Milo considers chaos
Liz Henry: tugboat service
Liz Henry: Ada paddling around
Liz Henry: 2009-10-03 13.49.57.jpg
Liz Henry: Milo climbs aboard
Liz Henry: Another dude
Liz Henry: Milo in the inflatable boat
Liz Henry: platforms in the distance
Liz Henry: floating islands
Liz Henry: platform on the move
Liz Henry: Tieing platforms together
Liz Henry: apocaisle and FMeradio
Liz Henry: construction
Liz Henry: construction crew
Liz Henry: construction crew
Liz Henry: the guy in the suit