Does everyone have at least one #vegetable that they didn't like as a kid, or just how they'd always had it prepared, but now it's so bomb to you because it's cooked appropriately? #brusselsprouts are one of those for me! #yum #😋 #colorfulfood #sogood
The flavor of this chicken turned out alright but I think I pulled the pieces apart too soon or something. It turned out too dry.
The stew of many ingredients... Ended up with five containers, one just broth. But there was maybe almost twice this much!
Red lettuce salad with homegrown zucchini, avocado, cabbage, Parmesan cheese & last but not least, bacon!
Tried to broil top round steak. Should've marinated longer, and I over-cooked it. Was still pretty good with the couscous.
The steak ended up being over-cooked. I read that top round is a little thick for broiling and it should be marinated for 6-8 hrs, which was time I didn't have.
I think this is a repeat... But it's the progression of making a green chili sauce with sweet peppers.