lizardlips81: fishes
lizardlips81: fishes
lizardlips81: pretty
lizardlips81: fishes!
lizardlips81: pretty fountain!
lizardlips81: At the mall...
lizardlips81: Garden
lizardlips81: Garden
lizardlips81: Trench
lizardlips81: Red.. things...
lizardlips81: Greenery
lizardlips81: Improperly attired for adventure
lizardlips81: Greenery
lizardlips81: Pentas?
lizardlips81: I used to know what these were called...
lizardlips81: grate thing
lizardlips81: near the river
lizardlips81: Near the river
lizardlips81: Orange... stuff
lizardlips81: Ivy and grass
lizardlips81: Windmill
lizardlips81: ponytail - not so good
lizardlips81: everything is better with my hair down
lizardlips81: me and doug