lizardlips81: April and Pamela
lizardlips81: Pamela and Hannah
lizardlips81: April and Mitch
lizardlips81: April and Mitch
lizardlips81: Usher and maid
lizardlips81: April and her Dad
lizardlips81: Beauty time!
lizardlips81: Pedicure
lizardlips81: Katie and Pamela
lizardlips81: April and Grandpa
lizardlips81: April and Granny
lizardlips81: Mom and Doug
lizardlips81: Dana and Gary
lizardlips81: The mothers
lizardlips81: The mothers
lizardlips81: Joey and the Minister
lizardlips81: Maid & Usher
lizardlips81: Arriving
lizardlips81: April arriving
lizardlips81: April and Mitch
lizardlips81: The maids
lizardlips81: Mitch and April
lizardlips81: The hand-off
lizardlips81: April and Joey with the Minister
lizardlips81: The couple and the maids
lizardlips81: The couple and the ushers
lizardlips81: The couple and the minister
lizardlips81: Joey's vows