LizRap: Friday afternoon - 'Owling' in the boot of the car
LizRap: Sophie entertaining Robin
LizRap: Charlie H and Louise at work
LizRap: Fixing the bunting
LizRap: Fireplace bunting
LizRap: Breakfast with the Walkers
LizRap: Charlie in the hairdresser's seat
LizRap: Our photographer, Emily
LizRap: Practising her song for tonight!
LizRap: Admiring her hair!
LizRap: Louise trying on the veil
LizRap: Lacing up the dress
LizRap: Is it OK?
LizRap: Coming downstairs
LizRap: Off to the wedding
LizRap: Bride on the sofa
LizRap: Pennington, the bridal car
LizRap: Bride and groom
LizRap: Louise and Patrick
LizRap: Eating dinner - and feeding Robin - while Charlie chats with Steve!
LizRap: Patrick speech-making
LizRap: Cassie and Liz
LizRap: Beautiful stripy cake
LizRap: Cutting the cake
LizRap: Feeding Louise some cake!
LizRap: Song: I've had the Time of my life ...
LizRap: Louie and Patrick having the Time of their Lives
LizRap: Watching the cake-cutting
LizRap: Louise at the mike ...and Patrick on guitar!
LizRap: Bride and groom - at 2 a.m!