LizRap: Thomas and Emily receiving their prize at the Regatta Scavenger Hunt
LizRap: Proud prizewinners!
LizRap: Sophia under the table!
LizRap: Charlie and a not-very-well Pete
LizRap: Pizza night
LizRap: Gary, Terry and Emily at Southtown
LizRap: Britannia Royal Naval College
LizRap: Front entrance
LizRap: Britannia herself!
LizRap: Flag mast and Dartmouth
LizRap: Kneeler in the chapel
LizRap: Chapel doors
LizRap: Pillar in the Quarterdeck
LizRap: Knot work
LizRap: The Quarterdeck
LizRap: Vaulted main corridor
LizRap: Glass door to Senior Gunroom
LizRap: Res Nova, where we had dinner
LizRap: Louise and Patrick
LizRap: Charlie and Anne
LizRap: Andy, Lou, Patrick and Amy
LizRap: Rosie, Chris, Sophia and Emily
LizRap: Uncle Chris and Sophia
LizRap: Charlie and Anne enjoying a joke
LizRap: Anne
LizRap: Charlie
LizRap: Andy and Lou
LizRap: Louise
LizRap: Chris and Sophia
LizRap: Andy appreciating the Naval College