lizzzb: breakfast conversation
lizzzb: Sonic the cat
lizzzb: DJ Little D and MC Xavier
lizzzb: Mmm.
lizzzb: snacktime
lizzzb: Inflatable tattooed giraffe
lizzzb: Gone.
lizzzb: Going . . .
lizzzb: Going . . .
lizzzb: Yogurt. Mmm.
lizzzb: One kid, two laptops. Talk about priorities.
lizzzb: Reading the Times over breakfast
lizzzb: Dad doesn't make a very good goalie
lizzzb: Francoises
lizzzb: Pop!
lizzzb: not-so-still life
lizzzb: working together
lizzzb: unpopped bubble
lizzzb: popping bubbles on the floor
lizzzb: At the Denver Art Museum