filosofiflickan: When time doesn't exist
~JÓNA~: Goðasteinn, Eyjafjallajökull
Ƥatcƕ Hofweber: Förvånansvärt trevlig design & innehåll. Cc @guswall #kullaliv
Esben Bøg: dyrehaven
Marie Granelli: Other side
Marie Granelli: These things were meant to never be forgotten
Marie Granelli: Järnvägsstationen som inte används mer
Marie Granelli: Hagel i juni
justmakeit: The big red and white mosaic
justmakeit: Quilt colors
justmakeit: Little yellow ranunk
justmakeit: Windbreak
Marie Granelli: UE Longing
Marie Granelli: UE Grön stol
Marie Granelli: Den tomma herrgården - Taklampan
justmakeit: Twilight on the Ike
justmakeit: The cat came back
filosofiflickan: Roses spending time togehter in someone´s garden
filosofiflickan: Fin liten varelse!
filosofiflickan: Bertastrasse in spring mood
filosofiflickan: A train station full of Giacometti Figürlis