elaposata: Rene, Anne and Tom enter Muyil
elaposata: Mermacologist Tom
elaposata: A fortunate grasshopper
elaposata: Army ants taking back a millipede
elaposata: Army ants taking back a millipede
elaposata: Walking through the jungle to the lookout tower
elaposata: Path through the jungle
elaposata: Tom on the lookout tower
elaposata: Tom looking down
elaposata: looking down the steps
elaposata: View over the lake from the tower
elaposata: View over the lake from the tower
elaposata: Looking for birds
elaposata: Rene on the lookout
elaposata: Tom on the lookout
elaposata: Panoramic over the lake
elaposata: Looking south
elaposata: Tom, Anne and Rene on the lookout
elaposata: Tom, Anne and Rene
elaposata: Tom and me on the tower
elaposata: Tom and me on the tower
elaposata: Tom, Anne and me on the tower
elaposata: On the way back down
elaposata: Rene and Tom looking back up
elaposata: The lake at Muyil
elaposata: Anne by the lake at Muyil
elaposata: Morning Glory at Muyil
elaposata: Walking up the dirt road to the main road
elaposata: Muyil flower
elaposata: Rene, Tom, Anne and Me at our favorite roadside restaurant