liwenli: Vision
liwenli: Sun ceiling
liwenli: kaleidoscope- under the tree-crown
liwenli: ecological observer
liwenli: indoor wild-plants
liwenli: finding
liwenli: PICT0048
liwenli: Image
liwenli: lighting glass art
liwenli: Plan your day at dawn
liwenli: arches of tree
liwenli: LD-Ambleside (115)
liwenli: Tate Modern (35)
liwenli: IMG_2599
liwenli: Best Wishes for Tomorrow
liwenli: Family for sale
liwenli: Face to Bright side
liwenli: Pig bone
liwenli: The Sunset
liwenli: night matsu (22)
liwenli: Military tunnel
liwenli: Rhein in Flammen
liwenli: IMG_2696
liwenli: Military tunnel
liwenli: wildlife watching (16)
liwenli: IMG_0024
liwenli: 寶藏巖: It's Art !
liwenli: IMG_6221
liwenli: 跳開欄杆的景致