The Living Desert: Norway Rat
The Living Desert: Slender Horned Gazelle
The Living Desert: Javelina (or Collared Peccary)
The Living Desert: White-nosed Coati
The Living Desert: Fennec Fox
The Living Desert: Striped Hyena
The Living Desert: Nigerian Dwarf Goat
The Living Desert: African Wild Dog
The Living Desert: Sicilian Dwarf Donkey
The Living Desert: Rock Hyrax
The Living Desert: Nigerian Dwarf Goat
The Living Desert: Arabian Wild Cat
The Living Desert: Nubian Goat
The Living Desert: Mountain Lion
The Living Desert: Cuvier's Gazelle
The Living Desert: Arabian Oryx
The Living Desert: Reticulated Giraffe
The Living Desert: Cairo Spiny Mouse
The Living Desert: Mexican Wolf
The Living Desert: Africian Crested Porcupine