diasporate dan:
bing laden, 1/3: do i look bovvered?
diasporate dan:
bing laden, 2/3: they want us all dead, you know
diasporate dan:
bing laden, 3/3: i ei ei ei ei
diasporate dan:
the war on a.i., 1/1: "i didn't quite catch that"
diasporate dan:
the war on a.i., 2/2: an idea
diasporate dan:
whether to laugh or cry
diasporate dan:
ai my a$$, 2/2: i hope i'm not turning into one of them thar conspiracy theorists, or, "will you please stop droning on?"
diasporate dan:
ai my a$$, 1/2: trunk, or 'come back tagbot, all is forgiven '
diasporate dan:
"would i lie to you?", 1/2: gotcher