diasporate dan: Greendykes, Broxburn
diasporate dan: Niddry Castle, Winchburgh
diasporate dan: The Five Sisters, West Calder, at sunset
diasporate dan: Drumshoreland
diasporate dan: four of the Five Sisters
diasporate dan: The Five Sisters, West Calder, at sunset
diasporate dan: Fauchledean, Winchburgh
diasporate dan: The Pyramids, apparently. Near Bathgate, West Lothian.
diasporate dan: Bathgate no more
diasporate dan: Something wrong here
diasporate dan: closer than you think
diasporate dan: the story of the new year field.
diasporate dan: who's the villain?
diasporate dan: who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?
diasporate dan: i may have to cease punning
diasporate dan: the clydesdale forest and the pentland hills
diasporate dan: the hirsel
diasporate dan: claim to fame
diasporate dan: "gloomy december" (time 1m29s)
diasporate dan: celebrity bs
diasporate dan: a different outlook
diasporate dan: the new year field revisited