Liverpool Biennial: Touched | Doh Ho Suh - Bridging Home
Liverpool Biennial: Touched | Kris Martin - Mandi XV
Liverpool Biennial: Touched | Will Kwan - Flame Test
Liverpool Biennial: Touched | Sachiko Abe - Cut Paper
Liverpool Biennial: Touched | Rosa Barba - Free Post Mersey Tunnels
Liverpool Biennial: Touched | Raymond Pettibon
Liverpool Biennial: Touched | Alfred Jaar - The Marx Lounge
Liverpool Biennial: Touched | Daniel Knorr - The Naked Corner
Liverpool Biennial: Touched | Ryan Trecartin - Trill-ogy Comp
Liverpool Biennial: Touched | Ryan Trecartin - Trill-ogy Comp
Liverpool Biennial: Work in progress - Hector Zamora's Synclastic/Anticlastic
Liverpool Biennial: Work in progress - Hector Zamora's Synclastic/Anticlastic
Liverpool Biennial: Work in progress - Hector Zamora's Synclastic/Anticlastic
Liverpool Biennial: St George's Hall
Liverpool Biennial: Spectrum Jesus by Keith Coventry, winner of JM2010
Liverpool Biennial: Laura Belém - The Temple of a Thousand Bells
Liverpool Biennial: Laura Belém - The Temple of a Thousand Bells
Liverpool Biennial: Laura Belém - The Temple of a Thousand Bells
Liverpool Biennial: Laura Belém - The Temple of a Thousand Bells
Liverpool Biennial: Laura Belém - The Temple of a Thousand Bells
Liverpool Biennial: Wolf outside St George's Hall