ukmaggie45: Patio Bwlchtocyn
ukmaggie45: hedge and monbretia in pot
ukmaggie45: Agapanthus
ukmaggie45: Primroses by the steps
ukmaggie45: the primroses are spreading
ukmaggie45: Primrose seedlings grow in the patio
ukmaggie45: rabbit hole
ukmaggie45: Rain stopped pruning
ukmaggie45: lone daffodil by composter
ukmaggie45: Pots primroses agapanthus
ukmaggie45: 24 Primroses by our caravan
ukmaggie45: blowing a gale
ukmaggie45: agapanthus
ukmaggie45: Patio pots
ukmaggie45: Sarah's plants
ukmaggie45: Courgette plant
ukmaggie45: Courgette flower
ukmaggie45: Patio plants
ukmaggie45: bird on the fat balls
ukmaggie45: Agapanthus flower stem
ukmaggie45: foxgloves
ukmaggie45: Agapanthus bud
ukmaggie45: Agapanthus bud
ukmaggie45: Barbie
ukmaggie45: Honeysuckle and foxglove
ukmaggie45: Campion
ukmaggie45: Oregano, agapanthus