livepine: 俯瞰圣彼得堡普尔科夫机场 / overlook St. Petersburg Pulkovo Airport
livepine: 圣彼得堡 Rossiya 航空 / Rossiya Airlines
livepine: 圣彼得堡普尔科夫机场 / St. Petersburg Pulkovo Airport
livepine: 从比什凯克往 Karkara 大本营的路上 / from Bishkek to Karkara base camp
livepine: 途经伊塞克湖 / Issyk-Kul
livepine: 加油站 / petrol station
livepine: 登山公司的包车 / mini-bus provided by the mountaineering company
livepine: Karkara 大本营的帐篷 / tent night in Karkara base camp
livepine: Karkara 大本营的帐篷 / tents in Karkara base camp
livepine: 起来吃早饭,准备出发 / breakfast, and ready to go!
livepine: Karkara 大本营的星空 / starry night in Karkara base camp
livepine: 银河 / Galaxy
livepine: 夜幕下的营帐 / tents at night
livepine: 我们的座驾:米格-8MTV-5 / our helicopter: Mi-8MTV-5
livepine: 我们的座驾:米格-8MTV-5 / our helicopter: Mi-8MTV-5
livepine: 米格-8MTV-5 的后翼 / Mi-8MTV-5, rear
livepine: 准备装货上机 / uploading to the helicopter
livepine: 米8起飞 / Mi-8MTV-5 took off
livepine: 掠地 / skim over the land
livepine: 绝尘而去 / speeded away
livepine: 木有中国 / no Chinese flag
livepine: 航拍之最后的绿色 / photo by plane: the last green
livepine: 起飞! / take off!
livepine: 起飞! / take off!
livepine: 所有人都很兴奋 / everyone was excited
livepine: 飞越天山 / fly over Tian Shan mountains
livepine: 飞越天山 / fly over Tian Shan mountains
livepine: 飞越天山 / fly over Tian Shan mountains
livepine: 米8的驾驶室 / cab of Mi-8MTV-5
livepine: 米8的驾驶室 / cab of Mi-8MTV-5