livepine: 出发! / let's go!
livepine: 看看来时路 / look at our path
livepine: 向上 / go up
livepine: 看看来时路 / look at our path
livepine: 迷失在大风大雾里 / lost in the wind and fog
livepine: 迷失在大风大雾里 / lost in the wind and fog
livepine: 云雾散去 / cloud and fog passing off
livepine: 向第二座顶峰进发 / heading for the second summit
livepine: 向第二座顶峰进发 / heading for the second summit
livepine: Loch Tulla在远方露出一个角 / Loch Tulla is in the hills
livepine: 顶上的大平台 / platform near the summit
livepine: Loch Tulla
livepine: 第二座顶峰Beinn an Dothaidh / the second summit
livepine: 第二座顶峰Beinn an Dothaidh / the second summit
livepine: 山顶的积雪 / snow near the summit
livepine: 山顶的积雪 / snow near the summit
livepine: 顶峰的天地 / near the summit
livepine: 山顶的积雪 / snow near the summit
livepine: “绝望之路” / road of desperation