livepine: 巴塘的一个早餐铺 / a bistro in Batang
livepine: 穿过金沙江 / cross the upper Yangtze River
livepine: 终于到西藏了 / finally we're at Tibet
livepine: 金沙江的这一边就是西藏 / upper Yangtze River divides Tibet and Sichuan
livepine: 多矿的山 / rich in minerals
livepine: 多矿的山 / rich in minerals
livepine: 川藏线上运送给养的军车队
livepine: 厕所 / W.C.
livepine: 高山间的谷地一派田园风光 / pastoral scene in between high mountains
livepine: 高山间的谷地一派田园风光 / pastoral scene in between high mountains
livepine: 大路朝天 / road to the sky
livepine: 高山间的谷地一派田园风光 / pastoral scene in between high mountains
livepine: 大路朝天 / road to the sky
livepine: 丰收的田野 / harvest
livepine: 路边的藏族民居 / Tibetan residences along the road
livepine: 上学路上的孩子们 / children on their way school
livepine: 路边的藏族民居 / Tibetan residences along the road
livepine: 路边的藏族民居 / Tibetan residences along the road
livepine: 高天之云 / cloud
livepine: 孩子 / a child
livepine: 路边的藏族民居 / Tibetan residences along the road
livepine: 澜沧江 / Lancang River
livepine: 澜沧江 / Lancang River
livepine: 澜沧江 / Lancang River
livepine: 高天之云 / clound
livepine: 澜沧江 / Lancang River
livepine: 澜沧江 / Lancang River
livepine: 梯田人家 / terraced field
livepine: 科教兴国读书发家
livepine: 梯田人家 / terraced field