livepine: 0505030013
livepine: 约克火车站 / York station
livepine: Wentworth远景 / Wentworth view
livepine: 保护者 / the guardian
livepine: 西安鼓楼 / Xi'an Drum Tower
livepine: 钟楼上 / on the Bell Tower
livepine: 西安鼓楼 / Drum Tower
livepine: 唐代陶器 / pottery of Tang dynasty
livepine: 宏伟的肯德基 / the magnificent KFC
livepine: 指示牌 / sign
livepine: 画廊之一 / a gallery
livepine: 两个女孩的背影 / two girls
livepine: 车窗外 / outside the car window
livepine: 据说是台湾人的楼 / it's said by people from Taiwan
livepine: 从外滩看浦东 / see Pudong from the bund
livepine: 月 / the moon
livepine: 从外滩看浦东 / see Pudong from the bund
livepine: 外白渡桥 / the free bridge
livepine: 月夜 / moon night
livepine: 人民广场 / People's Square
livepine: 雪中的折多山上 / snowing Mt. Zheduo
livepine: 折多山口 / Zheduo mountain pass
livepine: 黑云压山 / dark cloud
livepine: 卡子拉山口 / Kazila mountain pass
livepine: 夜晚穿越海子山 / cross Mt. Haizi at night
livepine: 火锅肥牛 / hotpot beef
livepine: 幻影号列车(二) / phantom train II
livepine: 幻影号列车(三) / phantom train III
livepine: 剑桥街头 / Cambridge street
livepine: King's College