livepine: 丽江晚上热闹的酒吧 / pubs in Lijiang's night
livepine: 青鸟酒吧 / Qingniao pub
livepine: 烛火 / candlelight
livepine: 清晨的古城 / the old town in the morning
livepine: 清晨的古城 / the old town in the morning
livepine: 清晨的古城 / the old town in the morning
livepine: 长江在石鼓镇拐了个大弯 / the big turnaround of the Yangtze River
livepine: 人家
livepine: 老井客栈 / Laojing hostel
livepine: 老井客栈 / Laojing hostel
livepine: 丽江下雨了 / rain in Lijiang
livepine: 丽江一景 / Lijiang scenery
livepine: 丽江一景 / Lijiang scenery