livepine: 云峰剧院 / Yunfeng Theatre
livepine: 红星二锅头 / Chinese white spirit
livepine: 要得吗? / get it?
livepine: 憧憬 / my oyster
livepine: 绑腿沙袋 / Ankle Weights
livepine: BOYI SPR MK12
livepine: BOYI SPR MK12
livepine: BOYI SPR MK12
livepine: Made in GB
livepine: absolut vodka
livepine: 大角,快跑! / Run!
livepine: 拉萨啤酒 / Lhasa Beer
livepine: Moleskine 红色 National Gallery 纪念版 / Moleskine - The Little Red Book of the National Gallery
livepine: Moleskine 红色 National Gallery 纪念版 / Moleskine - The Little Red Book of the National Gallery
livepine: 六种语言 / six languages
livepine: 《晋书·卷一·宣帝司马懿》终于抄写完毕
livepine: 很养眼 / New year...
livepine: 桌面秀 / desktop show
livepine: 平移到到大房间 / move to bigger room
livepine: 《晋书·卷二·帝纪第二·景帝司马师》和《文帝司马昭》抄写完毕
livepine: UKBA:您要是变性了请务必告之,不然罚款一千镑 / UKBA: penalty £1000 if you failed to tell us you've changed your gender
livepine: 谷歌 Chrome 的街头广告 / Chrome by Google
livepine: 收到 @viviangaohuihui 小盆友来自米国玉米地的明信片,非常感谢! / Thank you for your post card from Morrow Plots, UIUC
livepine: 本地风情明信片 / local postcards
livepine: 廿三年 / twenty-three years
livepine: 苹果“别样的谢意”
livepine: 这是2011年的第一份“大礼”么? / my first shock of 2011
livepine: 十年后焕发第二春 / after ten years' use
livepine: Boker Plus Armed Force Tanto Folder II
livepine: 么么哒