jforsythe.com: The Sun Tube
jforsythe.com: Metalscape
jforsythe.com: Wattage Wheel
jforsythe.com: Wattage Dials
jforsythe.com: Rusted barb
jforsythe.com: Leaf in the sun
jforsythe.com: Wire wrapped around a tree limb
jforsythe.com: The small world
jforsythe.com: I am abstracted
jforsythe.com: Arrrrrrrgh!
jforsythe.com: Yes Mr. Bunny. Whatever you say.
jforsythe.com: Sunscape and tin
jforsythe.com: Moss on an oak tree
jforsythe.com: Guinea feather
jforsythe.com: Sunset on December 25, 2005
jforsythe.com: Telephone and power pole
jforsythe.com: Burr oak tree