How I plan to CONQUER Blythe-A-Day this month. I have never successfully completed a whole month but I am much more organized than I was last time I tried. Ready to DO this thing.
Blythe-A-Day November 1: Something that Starts with "N". How about NEW HOUSE?!
Blythe-A-Day November 2: Look for Circles Day
Blythe-A-Day November 3: Favorite Pants...SUIT!
Blythe-A-Day November 4: Fashion Miss Priscilla Paws is by far my most fashion-concious girl. Her hair and make-up is always done and she feels out of place if she's not in her heels and fur coat.
Blythe-A-Day November 5: The Best Part of Waking Up- My new fancy new Kuerig coffee maker! It keeps me from looking like Grumpy Gills here.
Blythe-A-Day November 6: Recycle I made Muggle is ridiculously awesome hat out of recycled newspaper!
Blythe-A-Day November 7: Book Lovers Day I am an avid reader and I would have loved to take this photo with my bookshelf but all my books are still packed (insert crying). So here are my current reads, borrowed from the library, Winter and Morning Glorie
Blythe-A-Day November 9: Lend a Helping Hand Muggle is lending me a hand at the library today and she'll also be lending me a hand in catching up on my pictures because I am determined to finish a whole month!
Blythe-A-Day November 8: Superstition Muggle: Oh no! Don't let him cross my path! Me: Muggle, Big Witches and Wizards have cats that help them do magic. Muggle: Oh...Cool! We obviously think they black cat superstition is a bunch of baloney here ;-)
Blythe-A-Day November 10: Something Stinks....and it's the ridiculous amount of homework I have right now! We're counting down the days until winter break.
Blythe-A-Day November 12: Sticky Stuff. Who else still loves Fluffernutter sandwiches? I sure do!
Blythe-A-Day November 14: Wheels
Blythe-A-Day November 15: Stacks and Piles. Basically- our life right now until we're finally unpacked.
Blythe-A-Day November 16: Buttons, Zippers, or Laces
Blythe-A-Day November 17: Take a Hike Day
Blythe-A-Day November 18: Puzzles and Games. Sully and I playing on one of our favorite apps!
Blythe-A-Day November 19: Having a Bad Day Neville: Don't look Idris! I'm having a bad hair day. Idris: More like a NO hair day!
Blythe-A-Day November 20: Sharing... coffee with Miss Sally Rice