deadjt: 4: Rebound 01032010
deadjt: 2: Another Mess 01012010
deadjt: marionette
deadjt: Museum Parking Lot
deadjt: And Misdirection
deadjt: True (Blue) Fan
deadjt: Hockey Hair
deadjt: clever titles are so last year
deadjt: Quaid, the Reactor
deadjt: Piece of you for a piece of me
deadjt: DSCF4915
deadjt: She giggles because I sleep with a body pillow
deadjt: hard days night
deadjt: I fell down some stairs...
deadjt: Dreaming of Soccer
deadjt: Dreaming of Bicycle Kicking
deadjt: Dreaming of Graduation
deadjt: Trinity, I need help
deadjt: Faced
deadjt: Rage against the machines
deadjt: DSCF4472
deadjt: Kick Push; Donuts
deadjt: Walk like a penguin
deadjt: Let's go Wings
deadjt: Jayne
deadjt: I think they're in the trees (v.2)
deadjt: I am on a boat
deadjt: Capes
deadjt: I think they're in the trees
deadjt: DSCF4242