looey: Day 3: My breakfast
looey: Day 3 : The drug tree
looey: Day 5: Just a few of the things running through her body
looey: Day 7: Mom talking with Nurse Kim
looey: Day 7: Dr. Cohen
looey: Day 7: Nurse Maree
looey: Day 9: A little support
looey: Day 10: Good morning!
looey: Day 10: Removing a pacing wire
looey: Day 10: Sound asleep in mom's arms
looey: Day 10: I got your nose!
looey: Day 10: Our new party girl
looey: Day 12: Feeding with mom
looey: Day 12: Decorations in the hospital
looey: Day 13: Guiding the echocardio sensor together
looey: Day 14: Izzie goes off to surgery
looey: Day 14: Isabella's empty room
looey: Day 20: Izzie sleeps under mom's watchful eye
looey: Day 22: Izzie smiling in her sleep
looey: Day 26: Manny drops in to check on his buddy
looey: Day 26: Mom helping Izzie up
looey: Day 28: Izzie plays peek-a-boo
looey: Day 29: Just being cute
looey: Day 30: Dad playing with Izzie before work
looey: Day 30: Dad playing with Izzie after work
looey: Day 31: Izzie wields her weapon of choice
looey: Day 31: Izzie smiles for dad
looey: Day 32: Izzie first tooth!
looey: Day 33: Frank and Janet stop by, too.
looey: Day 33: Izzie hangs out with the cousins