IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: This is my x-rayed pelvis on a computer...
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: The empty monorail from below
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Waiting hall...
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: the other side of the waiting hall....
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Sunny day...pretty tree....
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: It's Mr. Chemo!!!
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: This is the student who took the x-rays....
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: The blood transfusion "lounge"
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Mr. Transfusor!!
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Varian radiation therapy machine
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Varian radiation therapy machine
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Zapping from a different angle...
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Getting ready for radiation treatment....
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: The lead shield for visitors and doctors.
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: 50 hours in this bed...
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: The lead door....
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: I was so bored....
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Getting ready for brachytherapy...