IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: I don't think this bee finds it funny to be in a cartoon
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Sedum flower buffet for the bees
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: more cartoon sunflowers, etc.
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: little sunflower
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: cartoon sunflowers ;)
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: another white/red flower
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: another flower
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: just a plain little flower
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: another hungry bee
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: another freshly fallen acorn
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: another acorn buffet for the squirrels
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: another acorn that just fell
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: more rain forest
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: The neighbors' choice of landscaping is rainforest
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: view from the middle of the yard to the back of the yard.
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: pink leaf in a bush
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: the view from the very back of the yard
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: this dead tree still intrigues me...
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: the wind made the colors in this ornamental tree rather interesting
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: these two had just fallen
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: more acorn buffet for the squirrels.
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: looking up to where the acorns fall from...
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: a lot of these acorns just landed...
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: meanwhile, it was raining acorns...
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: pretty white flower...
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: this one just stopped in for chow...
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: another hungry bee...
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: hungry bee on the sedum flowers