IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Dutch brother taking a pic of the food
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: My Dutch brother taking a pick of the map...
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: I took a pic of someone taking a pic of someone taking a pic.
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Someone trying to get a really good pic of LtCol North
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Demonstrator taking pix of Demonstrators
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: yes! a gift from the Flickr deities!
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Christmas at Canary Cafe
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: George Thorogood at The Vogue
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Crazy photographers
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: hey - who's the flickrian here?!