IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Another shot of the model of the USS Indianapolis (CA-35)
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: up-close of the model of the USS Indy
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Model of the USS Indianapolis (CA-35)
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Survivors/wives
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Mr. and Mrs. Barksdale
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: LtCol North speaking
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Memoriabilia provided by Survivor Donald Lee Beaty
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Oliver North still autographing books
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: LtCol North autographing books...
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Survivor chatting
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Jimmy O'Donnell and Paul Murphy
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Edgar Harrell introducing Oliver North
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Memoriabilia for sale
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: An evening with LtCol Oliver R. North (USMC Ret.)
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Pearl Harbor painting by John Gromosiak
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: USS Indianapolis Survivors Organization
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: At the memorial service for the USS Indianapolis Survivors
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Survivor Barto at his first USS Indy Reunion
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: A salute for every survivor
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Where would we be without these brave men?
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Survivor escorted to his seat
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: USS Indy 60th Anniversary Reunion
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: During the Star Spangled Banner
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Reading the names of survivors who have died since the last reunion
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: The weather during the ceremony
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: young sailor brings water to Survivor Gus Kay
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Capt. William Toti and Chief Bartholomew
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Dedicated volunteers cleaning up
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: After Jimmy O'Donnell and Paul Murphy lay the wreath in front of the memorial...
IndyDina with Mr. Wonderful: Former Congressman Andy Jacobs