Little Miss Joey: 001 - New hat on the first day of the year
Little Miss Joey: 25/52 - New hat on the first day of the year
Little Miss Joey: New hat on the first day of the year
Little Miss Joey: the back of the hat
Little Miss Joey: Koolhaas hat, Copenhagen
Little Miss Joey: 31. Yet another hat in cosmopolitan Copenhagen
Little Miss Joey: 063. Gloves
Little Miss Joey: first socks - WIP
Little Miss Joey: first socks - WIP
Little Miss Joey: rosapomar
Little Miss Joey: scarf wine
Little Miss Joey: scarf wine
Little Miss Joey: green scarf
Little Miss Joey: green scarf
Little Miss Joey: green scarf
Little Miss Joey: first socks finished
Little Miss Joey: first socks finished
Little Miss Joey: Second pair of socks WIP
Little Miss Joey: Second pair of socks WIP
Little Miss Joey: Gentleman's Fancy Socks
Little Miss Joey: Gentleman's Fancy Socks
Little Miss Joey: Gentleman's Fancy Socks
Little Miss Joey: Gentleman's Fancy Socks
Little Miss Joey: Gentleman's Fancy Socks
Little Miss Joey: Penguin stitch marker
Little Miss Joey: Mum's socks - WIP
Little Miss Joey: Mum's socks - WIP
Little Miss Joey: Scarf - WIP
Little Miss Joey: Scarf - WIP
Little Miss Joey: Clapotis WIP