Littlemad: Departing for the conference
Littlemad: Sants Estació, train to the airport
Littlemad: My travel friends
Littlemad: My magic hat
Littlemad: Flying over the french side of the Pyrenees
Littlemad: arriving to Luton
Littlemad: Luton airport
Littlemad: Luton airport
Littlemad: Lunch time in luton
Littlemad: Melton Mowbray Pork Pie
Littlemad: Hummus - Deli Marks & Spencer
Littlemad: DSC01565
Littlemad: 4550 - Miles from Delhi
Littlemad: Dinner at 4550
Littlemad: Dinner at 4550
Littlemad: Starter with popadoms at 4550
Littlemad: Delicious popadoms at 4550
Littlemad: Delicious meet and vegetables at 4550
Littlemad: The barcelonian posse
Littlemad: Three lovely lightweighted guys :D
Littlemad: The three amigos
Littlemad: Robert Mills
Littlemad: naconfers at the Dragon pub
Littlemad: Hicks' love vs Sibylle's beer love
Littlemad: naconfers at the Dragon pub
Littlemad: Saint Matt
Littlemad: naconfers at the Dragon pub
Littlemad: Richard Wiggings
Littlemad: A last round before going to bed, at the posh Turf Tavern
Littlemad: Naconfers waiting for Naconf to happen