Littlemad: 03-exchange-market
Littlemad: Couchsurfers exchanging stuff on the terrace
Littlemad: An happy exchange!
Littlemad: Waking up with a tea
Littlemad: In the shadow of the exchange
Littlemad: Trying to exchange the enexchangable
Littlemad: Trying some stuff
Littlemad: 01-exchange-market
Littlemad: Me selecting the music
Littlemad: A couchsurfer preparing some snack for all
Littlemad: Searching for interesting sutff
Littlemad: "I finally found the meaning of life..."
Littlemad: Enjoying some food
Littlemad: Someone made a documentary on our event
Littlemad: 02-exchange-market
Littlemad: More talking and looking for good deals
Littlemad: Delia is having a lot of fun
Littlemad: Radt with my t-shirt
Littlemad: My "luchador" mask
Littlemad: Happy Couchsurfer gathering for a group photo