Pretty Poo Eater:
Pretty Poo Eater:
The fire red trees put a thrill through me.
Pretty Poo Eater:
The leaves shimmer like gold when the sun pours through them.
Pretty Poo Eater:
This is just one of the views I get on my way home from work.
Pretty Poo Eater:
Central Park is a fairy land in autumn.
Pretty Poo Eater:
Pour ma Papa.
Pretty Poo Eater:
This is what a grown-up's Halloween Trick-or-Treat loot pile looks like.
Pretty Poo Eater:
A misty November morning in Central Park.
Pretty Poo Eater:
These two little shits bring me a ridiculous amount of happiness.
Pretty Poo Eater:
The one on the left is looking for poop to eat.
Pretty Poo Eater:
Central Park just gets more and more gorgeous as fall goes on.
Pretty Poo Eater:
Where's the wiener?
Pretty Poo Eater:
Slimy, muddy, soaking wet, could only be happier if he'd also just eaten a poo-nugget.
Pretty Poo Eater:
Christmas Berries? Anyone?
Pretty Poo Eater:
Alice in Wonderland...
Pretty Poo Eater:
Bethesda in all her autumn glory.
Pretty Poo Eater:
Filthy pretty bitch.
Pretty Poo Eater:
I don't remember Central Park being so beautiful last fall, but dear God, this year I understand why people say New York is best in autumn.
Pretty Poo Eater:
This is November. A month that is this pretty can't be all bad, right?
Pretty Poo Eater:
The city through the trees. How I love thee, Central Park!
Pretty Poo Eater:
Can you see the wiener? Because he blends in pretty well here.
Pretty Poo Eater:
Sit. Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. SIT! Staaaaaaay....... staaaaaaaaay......
Pretty Poo Eater:
I'd say that I wish it looked like this forever, but then I probably wouldn't appreciate it as much.