Pretty Poo Eater:
Leaving Manhattan...
Pretty Poo Eater:
First stop: Sustenance
Pretty Poo Eater:
About half way to Gettysburg
Pretty Poo Eater:
Union Flag
Pretty Poo Eater:
The Stretcher that carried Stonewall Jackson after he'd been wounded at Chancellorsville.
Pretty Poo Eater:
This journal was in our room at the Farnsworth House Inn.
Pretty Poo Eater:
A little soldier doll on display in our room.
Pretty Poo Eater:
The hallway of the Farnsworth House Inn
Pretty Poo Eater:
The Catherine Sweney Room
Pretty Poo Eater:
Sharpshooter Window
Pretty Poo Eater:
The door to the garret.
Pretty Poo Eater:
Mike in front of the house.
Pretty Poo Eater:
This wall has approx 150 bullet scars
Pretty Poo Eater:
A Witness Tree
Pretty Poo Eater:
Another bullet scarred house
Pretty Poo Eater:
Pretty Poo Eater:
My history teacher, teaching from Seminary Ridge.
Pretty Poo Eater:
Day 1 of the battle - this is where it all started.
Pretty Poo Eater:
Gen. John Reynolds Monument on McPherson Ridge
Pretty Poo Eater:
Mike with his back to the Confederate lines
Pretty Poo Eater:
What Union Artillery saw on McPherson Ridge
Pretty Poo Eater:
Another view of Union artillery on McPherson Ridge
Pretty Poo Eater:
Frosty and a Union cannon
Pretty Poo Eater:
McPherson's Ridge, Day 1
Pretty Poo Eater:
Gettysburg shadows
Pretty Poo Eater:
This one is for Dori
Pretty Poo Eater:
Mike w/ his brigade's monument
Pretty Poo Eater:
View from observation tower on Seminary Ridge 4
Pretty Poo Eater:
View from observation tower on Seminary Ridge 3
Pretty Poo Eater:
View from observation tower on Seminary Ridge 2