Pretty Poo Eater: Street performer
Pretty Poo Eater: I really do like dead things
Pretty Poo Eater: Dead Pigeon
Pretty Poo Eater: Watch Out For Cyclists
Pretty Poo Eater: Don't Enter Park After 11:00 p.m.
Pretty Poo Eater: Dead Thing in Central Park
Pretty Poo Eater: City Birds
Pretty Poo Eater: A Dead Thing
Pretty Poo Eater: Ex-Pigeon
Pretty Poo Eater: Would you like some Hep C with your breakfast?
Pretty Poo Eater: Safety First!
Pretty Poo Eater: The Razor Blade
Pretty Poo Eater: Central Park loves me....
Pretty Poo Eater: So... Grendl.... What kind of flower is this?
Pretty Poo Eater: And what are these?
Pretty Poo Eater: Is this a tulip variety?
Pretty Poo Eater: Stars in the park...
Pretty Poo Eater: I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille
Pretty Poo Eater: I <3 Daffodils!
Pretty Poo Eater: Flowers in the wood chips...
Pretty Poo Eater: I think these are a tulip variety
Pretty Poo Eater: And what is this, Grendl? It grows on trees...
Pretty Poo Eater: This is what makes spring divine...
Pretty Poo Eater: Dumbo, Brooklyn
Pretty Poo Eater: Street in Dumbo, Brooklyn
Pretty Poo Eater: NYC makes its own art
Pretty Poo Eater: Dead thing from the archives.
Pretty Poo Eater: Actually, I don't. Can you tell me?
Pretty Poo Eater: Hungry?