Pretty Poo Eater: Dead Seagull
Pretty Poo Eater: Dead Fish
Pretty Poo Eater: Close-up of Dead Fish
Pretty Poo Eater: The other side of spring
Pretty Poo Eater: I really do like dead things
Pretty Poo Eater: Same bird, cooler shot
Pretty Poo Eater: little dead, dried up, lovely thing
Pretty Poo Eater: close-up on Dead Pigeon
Pretty Poo Eater: Dead Pigeon
Pretty Poo Eater: Dead Thing in Central Park
Pretty Poo Eater: A Dead Thing
Pretty Poo Eater: Ex-Pigeon
Pretty Poo Eater: Little Dead Rat
Pretty Poo Eater: I suspect foul play...
Pretty Poo Eater: Sadie ate his face off.
Pretty Poo Eater: Poor Mousy
Pretty Poo Eater: First dead thing of spring, 2008.
Pretty Poo Eater: Dead bird detail..
Pretty Poo Eater: Theo and the dead thing
Pretty Poo Eater: Gettysburg Dead Thing
Pretty Poo Eater: Last Gettysburg Dead Thing
Pretty Poo Eater: dead rat
Pretty Poo Eater: stuffed street pig
Pretty Poo Eater: dead thing
Pretty Poo Eater: close up on deadthin
Pretty Poo Eater: dead mouse
Pretty Poo Eater: Dead thing from the archives.
Pretty Poo Eater: From the archives - Dead Squirrel
Pretty Poo Eater: Olympia's Dead Thing
Pretty Poo Eater: This would've been a super cool shot if I only had a decent camera.