Pretty Poo Eater:
I love her!
Pretty Poo Eater:
I love them SO much!
Pretty Poo Eater:
Andrew is pretending to be Tony Soprano and I'm pretending to get wacked.
Pretty Poo Eater:
this IS as filthy as it looks
Pretty Poo Eater:
I'm ALL about the doggy love
Pretty Poo Eater:
I'll admit it. I'm sitting in a corner singing a love song to my dog.
Pretty Poo Eater:
Adam, the Velociraptor, attacks the dame and her dog.
Pretty Poo Eater:
Ghosty Adam
Pretty Poo Eater:
White girls CAN dance.
Pretty Poo Eater:
Now you can sing Karaoke in the privacy of your own home!
Pretty Poo Eater:
We're trying to be like James Bond and his Bond Girl.
Pretty Poo Eater:
Another attempt to be as cool as 007.
Pretty Poo Eater:
Look how big my butt is!!!
Pretty Poo Eater:
If I were on the cover of a really bad pop album.
Pretty Poo Eater:
Kissy Faces!
Pretty Poo Eater:
Adam thought my face looked like an alien vagina.
Pretty Poo Eater:
I think Adam's face looks like CAMEL FACE!
Pretty Poo Eater:
KOKettes for LIFE!
Pretty Poo Eater:
Light Saber Battle!
Pretty Poo Eater:
Too cool for sea anenomes.
Pretty Poo Eater:
Who's the lucky girl? I am! I am!
Pretty Poo Eater:
Too cool for Disney.
Pretty Poo Eater:
Seriously. We love taking pictures of ourselves.
Pretty Poo Eater:
Dori, Devin and Tricia.
Pretty Poo Eater:
I'm SO using this to blackmail devin one day...
Pretty Poo Eater:
we spent like, hours laying on the floor taking silly pictures.
Pretty Poo Eater:
Dancing Queens!
Pretty Poo Eater:
We're badass. Just look at our facial expressions.
Pretty Poo Eater:
Can you tell whats being projected on us?
Pretty Poo Eater:
Yoga Girl